A Few of My Favorite Things No 7

It snowed this weekend. Quite a bit, actually. And outside it's lookin' a whole lot like winter. Unfortunately, I'm over that season. I'm ready for spring. Ready for the open windows, bike riding, lots of color kind of weather.

And if I can't have it inside, I might as well try to have it inside. Here are a few images that are helping me prep for spring.

1. Pretty rocks.
2. New from Emerson Fry.
3. Love this color pallette.
4. Zara kids does it again.
5. I would like one of these over every doorway in our home.
6. Great polka dot dress.


  1. just kill me now with those zara clothes! i think i would rather have them than pay rent this month. that's normal, right..?

    1. I know, right? They get me every time. And I feel the same way about exchanging the rent budget for a Zara kids budget... Good thing we have those level-headed husbands to keep us in line with such matters! Haha.


You are wonderful.