This Week We

See those pictures? The ones of the peaceful, sleeping child? I wish I could say that that's how we spent our week. Sound sleep all through the night for the three of us, or if that wasn't possible, at least a nice, relaxing nap during the day. But alas, our week was spent with a few sleepless nights and busy days that left no room for adult naps. The one opportunity I did have for a nap was spent taking pictures of a cute, sleeping babe. What a mom thing to do, right?

I also tweet and pin. Here are a few of this week's favorite finds I wanted to share with you:

-Downton Abbey paper dolls. I love Granny. And Sybil's cut-offs.
-I love this series. Basically I just love this whole blog.
-Have you seen the new Ikea line?
-"I try to envision how I would be behaving if I were happy."
-I love this photo project about breakfast.
-Banana bread waffles.
-Such a great plate.
-A kissing clothespin.
-Pretty shop windows.
-Now that's my type of pancake.

Here's to a weekend full of naps and full nights of sleep. Happy Friday, everyone!


You are wonderful.