The Best Advice I Received As A New Mother

My favorite part of Aubryn's baby shower (besides having Jordan there; we did a couple's shower, but that's a story for another post) was learning the tools of the trade from some seasoned (and rather amazing) moms and pops.

I made up some fill-in-the-blank advice cards and they were handed out to everyone at the party. Some of the responses were quite funny and others brought tears to my eyes. That might have just been the hormones talking, though.

Here are a few of my favorite pieces of advice. The good, the funny and the tested & true.

-Being a mother is second only to being a wife.
-Swaddle! (Really, this will change your life.)
-Never leave the house without the baby.
-Praise her above where she is and she will rise.
-A schedule will save your life. (Amen.)
-Always kiss her goodnight.
-Don't underestimate yourself.
-Never leave the house without diapers and a change of clothes (for both of you).
-Accentuate the positive.
-Never, under any circumstances, doubt your instincts.

What's the best parenting advice you've received or lesson you've learned?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, they are no longer available when I go to the link. I was wondering the exact wording?


You are wonderful.