it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Is it bad that the main reason I posted about Thanksgiving yesterday was so that I could post about Christmas today? Because it was. The poor day kinda gets the short end of the stick: everyone is always so anxious to listen to Christmas music and yank out/cut down a tree that they just want Thanksgiving over and done with.

For the record, just because that’s how I felt about blogging about the day of thanks, doesn’t mean that’s how I felt about the actual holiday. It was a much needed break and I was so thankful for it.

But man, does Christmas look great on our house! I waited until this week to decorate because Twitter told me it was finally ok to break out the lights and metal tree. And then I got really excited and just kept-a-decoratin.

And I may or may not have stole 87% of all our Christmas decorating/festivity ideas from other people. Go on, say it: I’m the Grinch. Sharing is caring, though, and that’s what the season is all about. So it’s fine. But only at Christmas.

Aubryn’s a big fan of the lights 
(and probably all those presents with her name on them. 
And no. They are not all from us.) 
She could stare at them all day long. 

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