My little valentine doesn't care much about cute hearts or handwritten love letters, and while my grown-up valentine is always happy to get the latter, what really makes their hearts happy is sweets.
Here's what I'm making for my sweet-toothed valentines and how you can make some for your loves too.
To make your own, you'll need:
-cling wrap
-safety pin
-hot glue gun
-award ribbon printable
-Airheads candy (Pink Lemonade, Cherry, and White Mystery match best with the colors on the printable)
-small heart-shaped cookie cutter
1. Cut out the pieces from this download (I printed them on heavy card stock to make them more durable for little ones).
2. Take the ribbons and attach a safety pin to the back using a hot glue gun (make sure that the side with the pin is facing out).
3. Wrap the badge from the download in cling wrap. Tape the excess cling wrap down flat on the back.
4. Tape the ribbons to the back of the badge.
5. Grab an unwrapped Airhead, fold it in half, and place it in the microwave for 3 seconds. Take it out and flatten it out as much as you can with your fingers, and put it back until it's big enough to cover the white portion of the badge (I had to do this twice before it was the right size).
6. Round the edges of the flattened Airhead to create a circle the size of the white portion of the badge. Once you've got it the size and shape you want, press it firmly onto the cling wrapped badge.
7. Use your cookie cutter to cut a heart out of the center of the flattened Airhead that is now attached to the badge. Cut all the way through the Airhead and leave the heart in place for a fun surprise for your valentine.
8. Pin it on someone you love. Be careful not to blush. Or draw blood.
I never thought of airheads as such a versatile decorating tool! This is so cute!!! I love that you can eat it! =)